What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic, lifelong disease which is the reason for high levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetes affects millions of people all over the world, and over 40 million Indians are pre-diabetic, which often develops before Type II diabetes. It is a continually growing which creates many other health complications.

Diabetes  symptoms varies and depends upon how much your blood sugar is elevated. Some patients, with pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes, have no symptoms initially but in case of Type 1 diabetes, you can notice symptoms quickly as it is severe. Type 1 diabetes can develop at any age, but most often it is noticed in childhood and adolescence. Type 2 diabetes is very common type of diabetes which can develop at any age.

Common signs and symptoms of diabetic patient:

              Urination occurs frequently

              Feeling extremely thirsty.

              Feeling like eating all the time I e hungry

              Extreme fatigue or tiredness

              Feeling of Irritation

              Ketone a by product of breakdown of muscle and fat presence in the urine

              Vision is blurry

              Frequent infections like gum, skin or vaginal infections

              Cuts/bruises unable to heal quickly

              Unexplained Weight loss despite proper diet

              Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet of diabetic patient (type 2)

When to seek medical attention by a doctor for Diabetes treatment

If you suspect you or your child or any of your loved one is having these symptoms contact your doctor so that the diabetes treatment is started. After being diagnosed with Diabetes you'll need to seek medical attention and do follow-up with the Doctor for diabetes treatment until your blood sugar levels stabilize.

Causes of Diabetes

There are different types of diabetes like Type 1 & Type 2

Type 1 diabetes causes

The reason of type 1 diabetes cannot be known it could be due to genetic susceptibility or environmental factors or combination of both. In this type of diabetes your immune system generally fights harmful bacteria or viruses, which attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, ultimately with no insulin left in the body and the sugar builds up in your bloodstream, instead of being transported into your cells.

Pre diabetes and type 2 diabetes causes

Normally pre diabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas of the patient is unable to make enough insulin and your cells become resistant to insulin so the sugar build in your blood stream instead of moving into you cells. Overweight people are normally linked with Type 2 diabetes

Gestational diabetes causes

Gestational diabetes is caused during pregnancy, as placenta produced hormones to sustain pregnancy by they are more resistant to Insulin as the pancreas are unable to respond by producing enough insulin so very less glucose is there in your cell and blood.

Once you know the causes for diabetes you must follow appropriate diet from an expert diabetes treatment therapist.

Risk factors of Diabetes

Risk factors for diabetes depend on the type of diabetes so it is always advisable to consult a doctor for diabetes treatment for early recovery.

Risk factors of type 1 diabetes

              Family history. Hereditary matters in type 1 Diabetes you can get it from parent or sibling.

              Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to a viral illness leads to Diabetes

              Antibodies that damage immune system cells.

              Geography factors

Pre diabetes and type 2 diabetes risk factors

              Weight. Overweight people have more fatty tissue which are more resistant your cells .

              Inactivity. Physical activity in a person helps you control your weight, but inactive person is posed to more risk

              Family history. Family Diabetes hereditary

              Age. You at risk as you grow older you gain weight, lose muscle mass  due to less inactivity. However even kids and teens suffer from it.

              Gestational diabetes. It is caused during pregnancy

              Polycystic ovary syndrome.

              Having High blood pressure.

              Abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Long-term complications of diabetes develop as less blood sugar. Diabetes can cause many complications which may cause disability or is dangerous for life so go for diabetes treatment as soon as you feel the symptoms of it.

              Cardiovascular disease. You are posed to cardio vascular problems like coronary artery disease, chest pain (angina), heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.

              Damage of the nerves

              The nerves are not nourishes due to excess sugar in the walls of capillaries which cause tingling, numbness or pain in toes, fingers and other parts of the body. Damage to nerves can cause many health hazards. So take diabetes treatment from expert health practioner.

              Damage in the Kidney.  Diabetes damages the delicate filtering system to filter waste from body causing kidney failure which requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.

              Damage in Eye : Diabetes damages the blood vessels of the retina leading to increases vision problems like cataract and glaucoma  or blindness.

              Foot damage. Diabetes causes Nerve damage in the feet causing  poor blood flow to the feet

              Skin conditions. Diabetes causes  skin problems, including recurrent bacterial and fungal infections.

              Hearing impairment. Diabetes causes serious ear problems

              Alzheimer's disease.


Prevention of Diabetes

Diabetes can be prevented by following healthy diet.

              Eating healthy foods. You need to eat foods that are lower in fat and calories and higher in fiber like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

              Be in continuous physical activity. Physical activity keeps your blood sugar in control so exercise regularly.

              Lose weight. Being overweight means you are not doing physical activities which poses you to risk of diabetes.

Discuss with your doctor for diabetes treatment to lose weight and focus on changes in eating and exercise habits

Effects on Body Due to Diabetes?

When we eat food after that glucose enters the bloodstream. To get energy, the pancreas produces insulin this will then moves glucose from the bloodstream into muscle and liver cells, if you are suffering from diabetes then your body is not capable of making enough insulin by pancreas.

So, consult an Doctor as its just a call away before its too late for diabetes diagnosis and diabetes treatment.

How does Diabetes Attacks feel like?

When a person suffers from diabetic attack he will become anxious feel extremely tired and also can experience shock as excess of sugar in the body does not allow for proper healing of the body. So, instead of facing such situation it is always better to go for proper diabetic treatment plan with expert doctor.

How is PEMF Therapy Beneficial for Diabetic patient?


PEMF therapy that is pulse electromagnetic field therapy for diabetes treatment helps to improve tissues condition and make it as healthy as possible. We have to make our tissues healthier.

 What is included in PEMF therapy?

To get a wide range of healing benefits, the PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment includes devices which delivers series of pulsating magnetic frequencies into the client, which creates a penetrating energy that will dynamically interact with cellular metabolism. If we talk about healing benefits then itenahnces ATP production, normalization of cellular membrane potentials, increased oxygenation of tissues and improved removal of toxins from the cells.

What is included PEMF session for diabetes treatment?

If you wish to get relax then then PEMF session for diabetes treatment is very much necessary as in this session you need to lie down on the pillow in which PEMF system is installed and at that time you don’t need to do any physical activity.

Since everyone is unique and different, each one will experience something different feeling sensations because physical problems or conditions vary from person to person. Some people will experience a sense of relaxation in the pain in first session while some will experience after multiple sessions

Who can use PEMF therapy

PEMF therapy is advice for every one right from youngsters, teenagers, senior citizens for those who are not doing exercise and those who are doing daily exercise. Anyone who are at any level of wellness or fitness can use PEMF technology and it will be beneficial to all.

Contraindications for PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment are as below

There are 3 contraindications for using this technology

1)            Pacemakers

2)            Pregnancy

3)            Epileptics.

Frequency of using PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment

If you are taking PEMF therapy, then it is safe and easy to use with no negative side effects. You can be advised to use PEMF according to suggested schedule just 30 minutes and it will be two times per day which offers long lasting and significant. You need to follow the treatment for weeks and months, as per the body’s healing resources.

The following are benefits of PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment:

PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment improves your recovery speeds when you are physically exhausted by over physical activities or by daily workout. It takes only few minutes for balancing your body by acupuncture meridians. You will notice strengthens PEMF therapy will also not let your body to over stimulate. By using PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment will heal your wound even after your any surgical operation and so you recover from the injury. You will also notice positive effects on pain reduction on your back or muscles. PEMF therapy for diabetes treatment also helps in improving your metabolism.

At Physio Kare you will feel at home by the PEMF treatment as it will heal your wound even after surgical operation by improving metabolism.

Saturday 29 August 2020