When a patient feels uncomfortable while breathing or suffer
from recurrent lung infection then that disease is called Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.
Whenever you face difficulty in breathing that is you feel
shortness of breath then it is not normal you need immediately take medical
attention byvisiting a physiotherapist.
A chronic inflammation that causes obstructed airflow from the
lungs is called COPD.The signs and symptoms include difficulty in breathing,
excessive cough, mucus production and wheezing sound. The causes for the same
are continuous and long-termexposure to irritating gases or cigarette smoke or
any other strong chemical smell. Patients who are suffering from COPD are at
highrisk of developing heart disease, lung cancer etc.
Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, which carries
air to and from the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs is called Chronic
bronchitis. Bronchitis sufferers have cough and mucus production.
Although COPD is a progressive disease that gets worse overa period,
it is treatable. With proper management and adopting proper treatment plan
recommended by physiotherapist COPD patients can achieve good symptom control
and quality of life, as well as reduced risk of other associated conditions.
The most common cause of COPD is cigarette smoking, however,
there is a small group of COPD sufferers have never smoked. Other risk factors
for developing COPD includesconstant exposure smoke, air pollution in the
environment, dusts and chemicals from factories, occupational exposure fumes
from burning fuels, Intense silica dust exposure causes silicosis, pollution
from cooking fire smoke, autoimmune diseaseetcExposure to such irritant agent
causes inflammation and damage to the lungs. The incidence of COPD is
increasing due to increasing smoking rates globally.
Symptoms of COPD:
Initially symptoms are not diagnosed but the disease gets worse,
as you notice common symptoms like cough that doesn't go away,coughing up lots
of mucus, shortness of breath, especially when you’re physically active,
Wheezing when you breathe, Tightness in
the chest, Frequent colds or flu, Blue fingernails, Low energy, Losing weight
without trying (in later stages),Swollen ankles, feet, or legsetc.
Risk factors of COPD are long-term exposurethings to things like
dust, air pollution, or certain chemicals for long periods of time.If a COPD
patient smokes,their condition worsens.
COPD diagnosis and Tests are conducted by Doctors. Your doctor
will ask about your signs and symptoms, take your medical history, whether you
smoke or have been exposed to chemicals, dust, or smoke at work. Physical
examination and breathing test will be conducted. The most common test is
called spirometry which will measure how
much air your lungs can hold in and how
fast you can blow air out of them.
Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes run by physiotherapist are
extremely effective and useful in treating COPD. Physiotherapy offers
appropriate treatments depending upon your condition and main problems. After
physiotherapist diagnosis of COPD physiotherapist does thorough assessment and
will help determine your main problems and provide the best treatment for the
Physiotherapy for COPD patients involves breathing exercises,
airway clearance techniques and inhalation therapy to help clear phlegm from
the airways.
Some patients have trouble sleeping or breathing at night, your
physiotherapist, in conjunction with your respiratory doctor, may prescribe a
breathing machine to help you. Physiotherapy may also involve assessment and
management of other conditions that can result from, or occur alongside, COPD.
These include musculoskeletal problems such as spinal pain, restricted chest
wall, ribs or arm movement, or poor posture; osteoporosis; and urinary
incontinence (common due to chronic coughing).
Your physiotherapist will educate you regarding your health
condition, including how to use your COPD medication devices correctly to
ensure you are getting the correct dose and cleaning the device correctly.
Physiotherapist also helps patients manage the breathlessness caused by
COPD. To cope up with breathlessness can
use positioning and breathing exercises, give advice on how to pace your
If someone with COPD is admitted to hospital with a breathing
problem, physiotherapist play a key role in helping them clear their chest,
manage their lung condition and get moving again.
At Physio kare, you will feel at home and our specialist
respiratory physiotherapist will help you manage the breathlessness by
suggesting breathing exercises which removes the excess mucus and you return
home fit and fine.